How to empower your sales force by using technology? To begin with, we must start by being clear about the concept of the sales force in a company. What is it, and who is involved? How is it valued within the company?
Once we have answered these three questions, we can start to identify the areas of opportunity through the use of technology and thus be able to empower the sales force by increasing sales.
What is the meaning of sales force?
The sales force is the human capital and material resources that a company has to fulfill one of the essential functions of any company, which is making sales.
One of its primary functions is the selling of products or services offered by the company. Moreover, it functions as the front end to managing relationships with customers. Material resources are all that is provided to the sales team that will help you achieve the goal of being able to make more sales.
So we could say that the sales force is a critical pillar for the success of a company. This is because companies seek to generate higher profits, which is achieved by increasing sales. Sometimes the sales force fails to increase sales as expected or not enough to produce the desired profits, despite the efforts made by the commercial area.
Sometimes the sales team can be very well trained and have good collaborators, but then why don’t they reach the desired result? So we will describe 3 possible problems that require more attention to get the desired results.
Lack of system integration
One of the main problems with the sales force is the lack of system integration that the company has. Sometimes a CRM is active, but there is no integration with the other systems. Or the Integration is not adequate. This directly affects sales as information management is not reflected in collaborative systems and causes potential sales to be lost.
So the systems of the sales team must get proper integration planning. This will bring multiple benefits:
- Increase in sales (higher profits)
- Automation of internal processes
- Better information management
- Return on investment in less time
- Customer tracking optimization
- Improves communication between internal areas
Obsolete tools
Nowadays, in many companies in the sales area, they have outdated tools that directly affect the sale, since, in most cases, the processes become manual. This causes a rework changing the time it takes to complete a purchase or causes loss of information.
When it comes to field sales, sellers have to go out in the street to be able to find and attract customers, for these cases they capture the information in a notebook that later when they return to the office they must capture the information of the prospects in the CRM it runs the company.
At Inmediatum, we have mobile solutions that can empower the sales team. We make the management of information easy and secure this through mobile applications that adapt to the needs of the company.

How do these applications work?
The applications can work online or offline, which means that if the sales executive has access to a Wi-Fi network or his device has access to data, the synchronization of the information he is collecting in the mobile application is sent in time real which will be seen reflected in the CRM, which will make the office staff can see the progress of the sales team.
But what happens when sales executives do not have a data plan, do not have access to a Wi-Fi network or are simply in a location that has no coverage?
The advisor will be able to capture the information without any setback, for them it will be normal, the information is captured in the application and kept stored in the device, when it is detected that it was connected to a network or the device has data, it will be performing the information synchronization process, which is nothing more than sending the information that was pending.
In the application you can manage the portfolio of advisors, follow up on the status of each prospect that you have collected and manage the agenda, in this way the sales team has in their hands a tool that facilitates their day to day making Increasing your sales and facing the customer makes them have a better experience.
As clients, it is always pleasant for us, and it leaves us with a good taste to see that the consultant who is carrying our procedure gives us accurate information and that the procedure does not present major complications due to the lack of a tool that limits the agile management of the procedures.
Management and access to information
The management and access to information are of the utmost importance since it depends a lot on the success of closing sales and once sales have been made.
The management of information within a company is very important. The data that is collected is analyzed, making it possible to obtain knowledge with the necessary elements to identify potential weaknesses and thus make decisions about whether to change the strategy current or improve the one you have.
As we saw, the information collected by the sales team is sent and is stored in the database, where different commercial areas can access it through the CRM that is managed in the company. Therefore it is very important that all the areas involved in the commercial area have access to the information, where you have to connect to each area involved in the sales department, such as managers, supervisors, and advisors.
Access to information will allow them to have a better follow-up and overview of the progress of the established goals and be able to detect in time if it is necessary to rethink the current strategy.
If the sales team does not have access to the information, it will be very complicated that they can give good results, it is as if they were working blindly. In Inmediatum, we develop application suites for the different figures that are managed within the commercial area.